Loco Parentis

Guardianship and Rights

Adult Guardianship

Grandparent Rights

Loco Parentis

Minor Guardianship

In loco parentis in Tucson

The legal term in loco parentis is a Latin phrase meaning “in place of the parent.” It refers to the responsibility that an individual or organization takes on for someone else’s child. This need arises when one or both parents are absent or unable to care for the child.

If a child in your life needs your support and you would like to be awarded child custody, parenting time, or in loco parentis status, the certified legal document preparers at AZ Diamond Docs can help you create and file the required petitions and supporting paperwork for these actions.

In place of a parent

In child custody and visitation cases in Arizona, courts are required to make decisions in the children’s best interests. When one or both parents is deceased or unable to care for children, then grandparents, step-parents, relatives, and even non-family members may be granted in loco parentis access. A relative who has been providing care to the child may be granted visitation access even if a parent is deemed fit.

In loco parentis in Arizona

When a person who isn’t the biological parent seeks visitation access or child custody, they may be able to claim in loco parentis status. When parents are gone for extended periods of time, relatives or friends can step into parenting roles to ensure that children can enroll in school and receive other services.

In many cases, the children themselves will influence the court’s decision. Teenagers over the age of 14 are allowed to voice opinions about who should be their caregivers.

If visitation rights or a custody exchange would be in the child’s best interests, a well-written petition and supporting paperwork can show the court that you have a strong, meaningful relationship with the child. An expert legal document preparer can help you present accurate and effective documents.

Non-parental child custody in Tucson

Permission from a parent is not always necessary to establish child custody. For a change of child custody without parental permission, the court would need to determine that a child’s health and wellbeing are at risk with the parent(s). The court must also determine that the person petitioning for in loco parentis status is able to care for the child properly.

Usually, the court won’t consider non-parental custody until or unless one of the parents is dead or missing. Courts will also grant non-parental custody in cases where parents are separated or divorced and both are unable to care for the kids.

AZ legal document preparation

If you are exploring custody options and seeking in loco parentis status to care for a child you love, AZ Diamond Docs can help create and file the necessary Arizona legal documents. Contact us now to learn more about the documents needed for child custody, in loco parentis, and parenting time.


Our Arizona Certified Legal Document Preparers have the experience your family needs.

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Thank you very much! I appreciate it and everything you’re doing for us. Last night was the first time I slept good in a week after meeting with you, you definitely lifted a lot off my chest. Again, thank you!


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