Child Support Modification
Child-Related Matters
Change Name of Minor
Child Support Modification
Parenting Time
Paternity and Child Support
Qualifying for modification of the child support order
You can qualify for a child support modification order when the amount of the change is over 15% higher or lower than an existing support order. To qualify, you must show evidence of changed circumstances. Those factors might include changes in employment, loss of a job, disability or health issues, or any other change in financial outlook – whether good or bad.
The changed economic circumstances must have happened after the earlier child support order was issued and must be expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
It’s up to the court to determine whether that change in circumstances is significant enough to warrant a new court order for modification of child support.
Wealthy new spouse?
Good reasons to modify child support
To modify child support, you’ll need to produce clear evidence that the original support amount was incorrectly calculated or reported, whether by a parent or by a court clerk. An experienced legal document preparer can help you prepare the documents you’ll need.
How to modify your child support order in AZ
The “simplified procedure” method is used when the amount of support would be increased or decreased by 15% over or under the current amount. So, if you have a properly prepared document showing that the amount would change by at least 15%, that evidence alone may be enough to convince the court to order a modification.
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